Sunday 24 February 2013

(Video) UND takes DU to the Wood Shed 6-1

Great effort by the guys in Green and White. I will let the video do the talking. 

Not a good weekend by the guys wearing the stripes, I thought that Scott Bokal and Brian Thul were absolutely brutal. After further review, it was more Scott Bokal that was the "weak link" in that officiating crew. I made a comment on the UND game chat that after UND went up 3-1 that DU would come out and get the next three power plays in a row. Actually, the Pioneers got the next four power plays in a row. 

Ironically, this is also this same crew that whistled UND for seven consecutive penalties in a row during the November 21, 2009 game, which UND lost 3-2. That resulted in both officials being disciplined by the WCHA

Of course the WCHA doesn't officially make announcements on issues like this, because they don't like to publicly discipline their officials. They take care of matters in house. I was able to confirm this through two sources that had knowledge of the situation.

They will only publicly discipline someone if they make a bomb threat in an airport. 

This was also a game where Ben Blood was tripped, but the on ice officials incorrectly ended up putting Blood in the penalty box. 

According the UND SID Jayson Hajdu, the officials apologized for their mistake after the game for the egregious mistake. I hope going forward that the NCHC doesn't think that they need to employ any of these people in the new league, neither of these two guys deserved to officiate in the NCHC.  

During the run of four consecutive minor penalties, the two minute minor for too many men on the ice was funny because, they blew the whistle while DU had possession of the puckl. I even remember the announcers wondering why the play was blown dead. 

I included a few clips to prove my point. Steph Pattyn was assessed one of the weakest cross-checking penalty I have ever witnessed in my life; during the third period, that was an absolute joke. You can see the camera pan to the coaches on the bench and look at the players expression as well as assistant coach Dane Jackson.

Scott Mayfield should be sitting out the first game of next weekend’s series against the Minnesota Gophers after his horse collar on UND forward Connor Gaarder, the sophomore pugilist wasn't happy with that move, he followed up that bush league horse collar by butt-ending Gaarder twice.  Then luckily for Mayfield, he is rescued by the officials before Andrew MacWilliam was able to take a pound of flesh from him. 

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